Molise's grastronomy has been influenced positively by its neighbor Abruzzo, Campania, Lazio and Puglia without compromise its own identity.
La tendenza della cucina tradizione molisana a non accostarsi in maniera netta alla cucina tipica di tali regioni da un lato le ha permesso nel tempo di raccogliere gli elementi vincenti e farli propri, dall’altro lato ha fatto sì che influenzasse anch’essa tali cucine.
Nonostante le ridotte dimensioni della regione, la produzione vitivinicola risulta diffusa per quantità e qualità sufficienti a far sì che, soprattutto nel basso Molise, questa sia punto cardine della tradizione enogastronomica della regione.
The wine: “it is in the small barrel in which you find good wine”
Despite its small size, production and vineyards spreads across the reagion with good quality and quantity. But it is in the southern area of Molise where can be found most of the best vines. The Red vines blends comprises Montepulciano d’Abruzzo, Aglianico, Tintilia, and Cabernet Sauvignon where major production of white wine comprise Trebbiano Toscano, Malvasia Bianca, and Bombino. Tintilia the local vineyard has been making a huge comeback. It has been undervalued for a long time due to its low yiels when producers were looking for higher volumes at good quality.
Production of extra virgin olive oil spreads across Molise thanks to the mild climate and the diverse topography of its territory. Main production areas are the Piana of Venafro and the Piana of Larino. With the DOP certification and unique taste the finest Extra-virgin olive oil produced in Molise should always be present on the food lovers kitchen and tables
Dairy products
In Molise the major dairy products are made by “Pasta Filata”; the milk used in this preparation is from local cows, fed from the blooming pastures in the mountains of the region. The main cheeses from Molise are caciocavallo, stracciata and scamorza cheese that is produced everywhere in Molise.
The truffle is one of the most prestigious gifts the forests of Alto Molise have to offer. Even though it is often associated with the most common gastronomic traditions in Italy, the abundant quantity found throughout Molise means it often occurs on local menus. The principal types of tartufo are the Tartufo Nero, especially eaten in the winter period, and the Tartufo Bianco a rarer and more expensive truffle, which is exclusively eaten in the winter period. In the summer period, different truffles can be found, especially from San Pietro Avellana and Miranda, both in the province of Isernia.